World-class product approvals
Product approvals
Our products are type tested throughout the entire manufacturing process and approved by internationally recognised, third-party bodies including British Approval Services for Electric Cables (BASEC UK), Lloyd’s UK, KEMA Netherlands, BRE Loss Prevention Certification Board UK, Central Power Research Institute India, and Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology in the UAE.
Product certification
- High voltage/ Medium voltage power cables – KEMA and ESMA
- Low voltage power cables – Lloyd's Register, BASEC, and ESMA
- Low voltage control – Lloyd's Register, BASEC, and ESMA
- Building wires – Lloyd’s Register, BASEC, and ESMA
- Fire resistant cables – Lloyd's Register, BRE, LPCB, and Dubai Civil Defence
- Duflex 105°C – Ducab flexible cables – BASEC
- Duflex -40°C – Ducab flexible cables - BASEC Arctic Low Temperature Cables